Page name: Angry People United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-05 21:11:06
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Angry People United


Do YOU get mad really easy? Like, one minute your perfectly fine, next your PISSED OFF UP THE WHAZOO?!?! Or, are you Angry at the political leader/President of your country? Are you just pissed off in general? Then this is PROBABLY where you belong. Geeze.

GOSH, Fine, I GUESS I'll tell you how to get in. Sheesh. See the list below? Yeah, that's it. Just add you're name to it, and you are in. oooh, don't you feel specail? But, um, anyways... Feel free to rant all you want or whatever... I don't really care.

I Guess if you think you're COOL enough to make a banner or whatever, you can add one. My super-great-better-than-yours banners are on there way and will be here soon, but still, you can add yours here at Angry Banners

ATTENTION!: I made some fucking awesome, (in my oppinion) New Banners... CHECK THEM OUT, DAMNIT!


Ok, Since I started the damn banner contest like ages ago, it's closed. Coolio Neko-chan wins. Only one kick-ass enough among you to actually do anything. So... yeah. Fuck everyone.

Winning Banner:Angry Banner Contest

Owner: [Maiden Donalphiel]
2.[Four Winged Fox]
4.[Night Hawk]
8.[me matas]
11.[All Gone.]
12. [Roma]
14.[Shadow of the Bat]
15. [bb5646546]
16.[stupid spork]
17.[Smile Addiction]
19.[Mulysa's Assilem]
23.[stone roses]
24.[Cafe Mocha]
25.[Adam Avenger]
26.[Last Years Craze]
27.[Falling Stars]
30.[Cause of death *broken heart*]
31.[That One Fat Bastard] when people breath it angers me
32.[The Bohemian Pixie]
33. [Alfirin Lindlea]
35. [Ghost Lilly] I hate everyone
36. [Unexpected Surprise]
37.[*Jules*] im not racest ....i hate everybody!!....equally
37. [Cherry Breath] GODDAMNIT!! >_<
38.[x Shane x]
39.[tesko suicide] ...indeed...
40.[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]ggggggggrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
41.[Eldanár Oronar]
42. [EverlastingDusk] Hatred is Everlasting.
43. [Steve*O] You know when you hear about bombs in London...those aren't bombs...those are Irish guys like me blowing up...
45.[hippychick] im not angry, im just seriously pissed off & its all your fault!!!
46.[The Assassin] whatever...just leave me be!
47[Robo33]when people get hurt I LAUGH!
48. [FUCKYOUHEDDA:)] life sucks...
49.[Mario57] FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK!!!!!!
50.[sakura_galaxy]-fucking mess with me, i will make you the new definition of a uni-k!!!!
51.[Black and White Rainbows]if u mess with me, ill rip ur head off with my bare hands and feast on ur innards. ive done it onse. i can do it agin.
52. [C-vicious] you dont like me then fuck off!
53. [Corpse_Bride]...
54. [daydreams of happyer times] people suck, they should die...yes all of you!
55.[pyrochick] i just dont like people
56. [Blaze the Nameless] Piss me off and you die.
57. [ceciliarockgurl] AHHH I hate him kill him pssh loves a lie!
58. [Neon_Corpse]People=Shit
59. [Sweet Decay.] ...fuck you all
60:[*:.\RuBbEr DuCky/.:*] dont even talk to me!
61.[no name needed]
62. [emtee_thots] damn you all!!!!
63.[Gabba Gabba Hey]
65.[New Years Revolution] angry...
68.[samantha louise!]
69.[{.*..Liz..*.} {.*Miron*.} {.*Perrine*.}]
71.[thesam-man] You will bow to me!!
72.[Jugga jigga]fuck you!
73.[mentally unstable]
72. [Lady Lucifer]
73. [Sad Lonely Angel] y wont any one leave me alone!!!
74. [emgoth] i wish people wud understand how i feel.
75. [Sad Sinner666] I hate you...really hate you!
76. [more meredith please!] so many stupid people so little time.....
77. [*ninde*]
78. [Wings_Of_Isis]
79. [PophicalVenus] fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck y'all
80. khronik15
82. [justlikelastime]
83. [Vameyre]
84. [Greeds Gurlie ^-^]
86. [Suicidal Moon]
87.[Neko the Kitty] I'm a happy person but if you piss me off...
88. [omgOMEGA] I get annoyed at everyone!!!!!! I have to see a psychiatrist!
89. [Santanna Is Deleted] im not mad all the time i think *looks around*
90. [Marine_chick27] u guys are stupid...
91. [gangsta babi gurl] yeargh urgh im an angry hippo
92.[Akayume]stupid people annoy me.....die stupid people! *cough solvieg cough*
93. [slyce69]
95. [wreckless]
96. [~Crimson Angel~]It will get ugly if you make me mad.
97. [silent_voice] *Angry glare*
98. [Stormy Sky] If I get called cute one more fucking time....
99.[cap'n sharkbait - the sword test dummy] i dont discriminate, i hate everyone
100. [kataralinet] very much so
101. [fake romances] *runs with knife* grrrr

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-03 [Maiden Donalphiel]: who are you asking? Um... I do. I know I do. I freaking bite everyone's head off, lol...

2005-07-03 [Ghost Lilly]: > << >>

2005-07-04 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i know i raise my voice!!!! very loud!!!

2005-07-04 [Maiden Donalphiel]: It's the fourth of July everyone! (In case you didn't know) God bless this fucking country!... Okay, it's not that I'm not patriotic, I just fucking hate holidays..

2005-07-04 [Maiden Donalphiel]: I notice that there's a banner that says, "Don't push us, cause we'll push back", or something like that... someone want to post that in the banners so everyone can use it?

2005-07-05 [Sad Lonely Angel]: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!

2005-07-05 [Ghost Lilly]: WHHHEEEE >U<

2005-07-05 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *laughs* did everyone have fun?

2005-07-05 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...I dislike holidays with a passion... go working, for without my job I would have died due to meltage from fireworks.

2005-07-05 [Sad Lonely Angel]: bummer

2005-07-05 [Ghost Lilly]: ... *dosent get it*

2005-07-06 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles*

2005-07-13 [Maiden Donalphiel]: How do I read the news?

2005-07-13 [me matas]: meow!

2005-07-13 [justlikelastime]: hihi

2005-07-13 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ....hi. Welcome.

2005-07-13 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i dont know [Maiden Donalphiel] i have been trying to figure that out myself!!!!

2005-07-14 [Ghost Lilly]: Um... its on mainstreet. Just the little updates and stuff.

2005-07-14 [me matas]: whats upy ?

2005-07-14 [Ghost Lilly]: *curls up into a little ball and falls to sleep*

2005-07-15 [me matas]: **pats neko**

2005-07-16 [Ghost Lilly]: *snore*

2005-07-21 [me matas]: **smiles**

2005-07-22 [Ghost Lilly]: too..... much... partying......

2005-07-22 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *smiles* i wish my parents would let me go to parties *tears*

2005-07-22 [justlikelastime]: i love this wiki. i love the banner. the person i hate looked at my house hahaha

2005-07-22 [Blaze the Nameless]: Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

2005-07-22 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i hat my dad most of all...he beat me again.....and the laws here suck ass!!!!!

2005-07-23 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around giving everyone wicked big hugs!*

2005-07-23 [Ghost Lilly]: I live where the party, is at.... soooooooooo.....

2005-07-27 [fungyew]: join my wiki or i will become even more angry and my head will explode and there will be blood and brains flying everywhere and it will be very hard to wash off , pimpdaddy <img:> or ill kill 50 cent i will ok i wont but ill still explode yah thATS RIGHT ILL DO IT AND U WILL GET WET

2005-07-28 [Maiden Donalphiel]: you diggity, I dunno if I approve of the Promotin'... but it's aight. It slides for now.

2005-07-31 [Ghost Lilly]: *blinks* what to say...

2005-07-31 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...banana fandana? Oh, someone kill me please...

2005-07-31 [Sad Lonely Angel]: y kill you [Maiden Donalphiel]? we all love you!!!!

2005-07-31 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Awww... *huggles everyone* Oh... um... but don't tell anyone... will ruin my rep... I'm an angry person, remember?

2005-08-03 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *GIGGLES* okay, i wont tell!!!

2005-08-04 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Hey, if we ever get to 100 peeps... I'm totally making a kick ass new banner! So... um... if you want an awesomeness new banner, get more angry people in here!

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: yay banner

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: I joined! Yey!

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: goooooooody. put up banner so more people come to here so we get more banners

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: Alrighty then! When I get a chance...

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: yay banner. yay members yay holiday yay no homework yay for all the yays

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: Stop with the yaying!

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: im enjoying my happyfulness im starting to feel really bad now cause she who must not be named is online

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: STOP IT!!!!!!1

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: oh thats better shes gone. wheeeeeeeee!

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: Do you mean [Zem]?

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: no of course not i mean shes only being the most mean person i have ever known without even noticing

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: Right. Well she is my friend. Come on, I want you guys to be friends, if you want I'll be your median.

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: whats a median? im stupid

2005-08-06 [omgOMEGA]: Median (n) = Someone who goes in between two people, and makes sure they don't kill each other!

2005-08-06 [justlikelastime]: what literaly?

2005-08-08 [omgOMEGA]: I dunno, I can't find the dictionary!!!

2005-08-08 [justlikelastime]: oh ok. our dictionary evaporated

2005-08-11 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: r u suggesting that cocanuts migrate?

2005-08-11 [Sad Lonely Angel]: yes, coconuts do migrate!!!!! lol.....just j/k!

2005-08-12 [me matas]: no but they could have been carried!

2005-08-13 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: don't tell me it could be caried by the husk ..because it's not a matter of where it grips it.. it's a matter of weight ratio, a 5 ounce bird could not carry a 1 pound cocanut!

2005-08-15 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *smiles* you would be surprised!!! lol

2005-08-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: no no no it's from the movie "Monty Python And The Holy Grail."

2005-08-17 [omgOMEGA]: potatoes...

2005-08-17 [Blaze the Nameless]: I love that movie

2005-08-17 [omgOMEGA]: I love carrots! WOOO! Carrots!

2005-08-18 [me matas]: monty python and the holy grai;!

2005-08-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yes!

2005-08-19 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *smiles*

2005-08-20 [omgOMEGA]: Don't you smile! You're too happy!

2005-08-21 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Hey nerds, I'm back from vacation. I'm sure you missed me. Anyways, it's good more people have joined. I'd give a huzzah but I don't feel like it. see's ya.

2005-08-23 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey! *hugs Maiden d.* \

2005-08-23 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey! *hugs Maiden d.*

2005-08-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *hugs everyone*

2005-08-24 [me matas]: **glopms** meow!!

2005-08-25 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ~A little shocked~ I... got... hugged? Um... I... Um... *trys to hug back a little bit* eh... heh...

2005-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *takles [Maiden Donalphiel] and hugles her* hehehehehehehe

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]: It's the clown again! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around in scared little circles*

2005-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *looks around frantically* WHERE.....WHERE????

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]:


2005-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]:


2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]:

[me matas]

2005-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: oh...ic...clowns are scary!!!!

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]:

I know!

2005-08-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *runs and hides*

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]: *scratches head* huh? Oh well.

2005-08-25 [omgOMEGA]: OMFN-EG!!! There is someone called [Cafe Mocha], and he's a member of this wiki! AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-25 [Blaze the Nameless]: I only like Cirque du Soleil clowns.

2005-08-26 [omgOMEGA]: i like no clowns! I like no circus! I like no meat!

2005-08-26 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Are we now a clown haters association?

2005-08-26 [Blaze the Nameless]: Cirque du Soelil is not like you're average circus.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *pokes my head out* clowns are scary...period end of story *hides again*

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: No, not end of story.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *gasps* they are too!!! they are way too happy all the time, and wear their make up funny!!!

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: No, they're not always happy. I know some clowns that don't even look like clowns. They're just as funny as can be.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: they are all scary!!!!!!!! i am scary too....everyone says i am a clown!!!!! i cant even look in the mirror w/o scaring myself!!!!

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Ooooooooookay.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: okay, new goin ta have nightmares now!!!!

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Okay

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: subject...your choice!

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Music.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: gotta love it!!! something that suites every mood!!!!

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: There is a person who doesn't listen to music at all! How could someone live like that?

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i have no clue?

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Same here

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: hhhhmmmm...a loony

2005-08-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Yeah, very loony.

2005-08-27 [Sad Lonely Angel]: definately

2005-08-28 [Maiden Donalphiel]: loony, haha. Funny word. Sad about not listening to music though. Let's... pray for their soul or something?

2005-08-28 [Blaze the Nameless]: Are you sercious?

2005-08-29 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...Eh, I was joking, trying to be funny... but if you want to, go right ahead.

2005-08-29 [Blaze the Nameless]: lol

2005-08-29 [Sad Lonely Angel]: ^_^

2005-08-30 [gangsta babi gurl]: wass up?

2005-09-04 [omgOMEGA]: I like monkeys...

2005-09-04 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Fuck Katrina, that stupid bitch of a storm.

2005-09-04 [Blaze the Nameless]: Fucking the storm won't help any.

2005-09-06 [justlikelastime]: hi everyone

2005-09-07 [me matas]: hello why is every one afraid of me all of a sudden?

2005-09-07 [justlikelastime]: im not

2005-09-07 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Um... who's afraid of you? there are some peeps here who are afraid of clowns... *I am one of them* But I'm not scared of you. I would welcome you with open arms... if I cared to touch people, that is.

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: ^_^ clowns are scary!!!! but you arent! lol

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: clowns are freaky...

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: yes they are!

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: yup. dont like clowns i dont

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: o.O they are too happy!!! lol no offence to those on here!!!

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: i like acrobats

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: oooo those peeps are cool to watch!

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: they go wheeeee and whoooooo and loopyloop

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: yes they do

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: its fun to watch

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *nods* yes they are *jumps up in the rafters*

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: i like this place

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: me too lofty rafters!!! lol

2005-09-08 [justlikelastime]: yay

2005-09-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *glides through the rafters*

2005-09-09 [me matas]: lol... its ok im not really a clown unless you count how funny i am sometimes

2005-09-09 [Sad Lonely Angel]: understandable....we are talking about the ones kinda like the circus!!!!

2005-09-14 [Maiden Donalphiel]: ...I'm bored. I just thought you should ALL know that. >_<

2005-09-14 [me matas]: o0o **huggles all**

2005-09-14 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hi measter!!!!! *hugs measter* *then everyone else*

2005-09-14 [justlikelastime]: hi

2005-09-14 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Who's measter? *looks around*

2005-09-14 [omgOMEGA]: <img:>

2005-09-14 [Blaze the Nameless]: What the crap?

2005-09-15 [Sad Lonely Angel]: o.O otay.....

2005-09-15 [me matas]: im measter.... lol

2005-09-15 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe i love hugs!

2005-09-16 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles and hugs [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]*

2005-09-16 [me matas]: **smiles** look katie you have friends

2005-09-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *hugs back*

2005-09-16 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yes i nhave friemds u bum!

2005-09-17 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles* yes you do!!! lol

2005-09-20 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ooh yeah!!!!!!!! *does a little happy jig*

2005-09-21 [omgOMEGA]: moofins!

2005-09-22 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *laughs* lol

2005-09-23 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo it's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaahhh run for u l;ife*colapses to florr in frustration*

2005-09-23 [omgOMEGA]: moofins!

2005-09-24 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *giggles* thats cool!

2005-09-24 [omgOMEGA]: moofins?

2005-09-25 [Sad Lonely Angel]: yep moofins! lol

2005-09-27 [omgOMEGA]: moofins. I know my moofins well.

2005-09-28 [Maiden Donalphiel]: Damn the man. Freedom of speech? Lies. Just lies I tell you.

2005-09-28 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: no more dumbledore dammit!!!

2005-09-30 [omgOMEGA]: i like dumbledore...

2005-10-01 [Blaze the Nameless]: Everyone likes Dumbledore! You'd have to be a nut not to like him!

2005-10-03 [Sad Lonely Angel]: O.O okay....

2005-10-03 [omgOMEGA]: 8-)

2005-10-08 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *dances*

2005-10-08 [omgOMEGA]: *sits facing a dark corner* beep

2005-10-11 [Sad Lonely Angel]: *walks over to [omgOMEGA]* you okay?

2005-10-11 [omgOMEGA]: yeah, just suicidly depressed, but i'm fine really...

2005-10-12 [Maiden Donalphiel]: bugger, welcome to the club. I'm sure i'm not the only one here saying they can relate.

2005-10-13 [omgOMEGA]: Not the same kind of suicidly as everyone else though.

2005-10-16 [Sad Lonely Angel]: what kind then?

2005-10-16 [omgOMEGA]: the hide in a corner and never come out again kind. *hides in corner*

2005-10-16 [Sad Lonely Angel]: i know that one! im in that kind right now!

2005-10-17 [omgOMEGA]: Me too... I think...

2005-10-21 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i like dumbledore but that way to much dumbledore a\i can't deal with it ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-21 [omgOMEGA]: huh???

2005-10-24 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *hides under table*

2005-10-24 [omgOMEGA]: *hits on head* CALM DOWN!!!

2005-10-24 [Ghost Lilly]: *walks in* ^-^ Hi everyone.

2005-10-24 [omgOMEGA]: Yo...

2005-10-24 [Ghost Lilly]: -_-

2005-10-24 [omgOMEGA]: =-D

2005-10-24 [Ghost Lilly]: *crys*

2005-10-25 [omgOMEGA]: *cuddles* aw why?

2005-10-25 [Ghost Lilly]: ... I ... dont remember...?

2005-10-26 [omgOMEGA]: i see.... bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-26 [Ghost Lilly]: O-o

2005-10-26 [omgOMEGA]: bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-26 [Ghost Lilly]: OO.... *tapes your mouth shut* ^-^

2005-10-26 [omgOMEGA]: *muffles through tape* bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanan

2005-10-26 [Ghost Lilly]: *goes and sits in corrner*

2005-10-26 [omgOMEGA]: *pokes* bananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabananabanana

2005-10-26 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *goes over to Neko-Chan* hi! lol mmm i could go for some smirnoff ice right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*rubbs stomache

2005-10-27 [omgOMEGA]: I want some archers!!! ARCHERS DAMMIT!!

2005-10-27 [Ghost Lilly]: O-o

2005-10-28 [omgOMEGA]: :D

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